Dale Barr

Legal Experience

  • Intellectual property attorney experienced in patent, trademark, copyright, & trade secret matters.
  • Extensive experience in the procurement of patents involving electronics, semiconductor technologies, aerospace technologies, computer-related technologies, medical devices, mechanical and electromechanical systems
  • Provide counseling and opinions on patents and trademarks, including infringement, validity, and enforceability opinions, litigation support, and dispute resolution
  • Approximately ten years of industry experience as an engineer performing studies of missiles, spacecraft, aircraft, and propulsion systems


  • JD Seattle Univ School of Law
  • MS Aero Engr, Univ of Wash
  • BS Aero Engr, Univ of Colo

Admissions / Affiliations

  • Board of Directors of the Washington State Patent Law Association, 2001-2009
    (President 2007-08, Immediate-Past President 2008-09)
  • Admitted to U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, U.S. District Courts of Washington (various others pro hac vice)
  • Admitted in Washington, USPTO
  • American Intellectual Property Law Association
  • Washington State Patent Law Association

Publications and Presentations

  • 2019 Revised Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance, CLE presentation to the University of Colorado Venture Partners, Boulder, CO, Sept, 2019.
  • USPTO’s New Patent-Eligible Subject Matter Guidance: What Patent Practitioners Can Do Now, The Knowledge Group, CLE webinar presentation, April, 2019.
  • Claim Drafting in Today’s BRI Environment, CLE presentation to the King County Bar Association IP Section, March 2011
  • WSPLA Panel Discussion – In re Bilski, CLE presentation to the Washington State Patent Law Association, Seattle, Dec. 2008.
  • Pushing Processes Over the Sun, CLE presentation to WSBA’s Eastern Washington IP Institute Spokane, October 2008
  • IDS and Prior Art Searching, presentation to Global Institute of Intellectual Property, New Delhi, India, sponsored by U of Wash CASRIP, April 2008.
  • Patent Conflicts – A Few Fundamentals, in-house CLE presentation, Spokane, Dec. 2007.
  • I.P. Protection and China – A View from the Trenches, CLE presentation to the Univ of Idaho School of Law, Moscow, ID, Oct. 2006.
  • U.S. Patent Prosecution – Filing through Issuance, in-house CLE pres., Seattle, July 2005.
  • Intellectual Property Issues in Int’l Business Transactions – Due Diligence, CLE presentation to the enter for Intl Legal Studies Conference, Salzburg, Austria, Nov. 2004.
  • Patents and Trademarks – Issues and Tactics for Company Management, Pacific Northwest Aerospace Assoc, Portland, Oregon, March 2000
  • Stretchable Property – Patents and the Doctrine of Equivalents, D&W IP Law Update, Jan. 2001.
  • Reacting Gas Experimental Data in Low Density Flow, DTIC, WL-TR-93-3091, Sept., 1993.
  • The Normal Shock Generator: Research Apparatus for High Mach Applications, AIAA, 90-1930, June 1990.
  • A Method for the Numerical Simulation of Hypersonic Boundary Layer Flow, Univ. of Washington Library, Master’s Thesis, Dec. 1986.